
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Just released, two new books

Deciding to return to the Amazon in live in the Achuar communities is a decision not taken lightly. Especially if you are seventy something years old. In addition to all the prep needed to live off the grid for weeks at a time, there is the personal endurance issue. I am not getting any younger! I returned in 2011, 2014 and 2017. As uncomfortable as the hot humid days and colder humid nights are, the discomfort is not what is remembered. What is remembered are the discovered secrets of the jungle, the deafening cacophony of the night, colorful birds, and the welcoming Achuar people who shared their lives with me. The second edition includes many more photos and updated informationThe Achuar of the Pastaza River, 2nd edition

Myths of the People of the Palm, The Achuar Guardians of the Rainforest. This collection of eight myths, as told by Achuar elders, is written in three languages: Native Achuar, Spanish, and English. Both books are available on Myths of the People of the Palm

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