
Friday, July 29, 2022

Live on Amazon today. My newest book. Piranha Jaws and Beer. A new collaboration with Pasqual Yunkar, an Achuar, who shared myths as told by his grandfather. A view into Achuar challenges living in the jungle, as shown through storytellling.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Writing a book is one thing, keeping up with technology is another. I am learning, by trial and error, as time goes by. I finally connected my first blog to my author page. The blog was the only viable way to let family and friends know what was happening when I was in the rainforest for weeks at a time. I hope the following link to my facebook page works.Reading the old blog gives some perspective to what is involved when living in a place far, far away and not knowing the customes or language. It worked out O.K. because the Achuar were accepting and supportive. They fed me and kept me safe. And our joint dream came true. My three approved Achuar books are now published. JoAnne's Facebook author page